Tag: Mexico

  • Roma Norte

    Roma Norte

    We stayed in the Roma Norte neighborhood of Mexico City located in the CuauhtĂ©moc borough. Roma is a great mix of modern hipster bars and restaraunts, classic historical architecture, parks and tiendas. It is safe, populated mostly by locals and very walkable. We walked a lot! Wealthy bankers, doctors and Europeans built massive houses in…

  • Mexico City

    Our travel day to Mexico City began early, at 5am. After landing we sat in traffic for 2 hours due to presidential candidate rallies in the capital city. We finally arrived, tired and hungry after 7pm.

  • Mexico

    Mexico is rich in history and culture. We’ve visited on multiple occasions. Each return journey is a great adventure! We’ll share our experiences and you will see why each visit creates another reason the return.

  • 2024 Mexico trip

    In March we returned to Mexico to visit 3 new destinations.